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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Growings On 8/23/21
I have survived meeting the boyfriend's family! At least 25 of them... I lost count read more »
Growings On 8/16/21
It's a bit of an odd weekend - for starters, there's no farmers market this Saturday. Those of you who pick up at Dunwoody, we'll be adding you to our delivery route on Sunday evening, no charge. And because there's no market on Saturday, I'm able to join my boyfriend at his cousin's wedding! This1 read more »
Growings On 8/8/21
I've mentioned before how we were planning to sell vouchers to pick strawberries as part of our plan to keep everyone housed and paid through the winter. Well, they're ready! And none too soon, as our trailer was stolen last week and Tractor Supply has declined to provide credit. So the first purch1 read more »
Growings on 8/1/21
EAV pickup will be moving to the farm, effective THIS SUNDAY. Our address is 500 Springside Dr SE, Atlanta, GA 30354. Please come pick up your share on the farm and see our new space! It's still a bit rough, but we're almost done fencing it in and then things will really start popping (because the1 read more »