Apparently the latest attempt at corporate greenwashing is Hellman's Food Relief Fund. They're trying to film a commercial capitalizing on small farms - oh, look, the poor small farmer can't sell her crops, here's Hellman's to the rescue! Let's film you happily tossing produce around in your fields, and can we get a child in there with you for a nice domestic kitchen scene?
Please pardon me while I go puke.
Somehow these jokers got it into their head that our farm would be a great space to do this. And so I've spent way too much time this week sending increasingly blunt iterations of NO.
Y'all come to us because we're not the industrial food system. You come to us because you want your food to come from a person, not a corporation. You come because you want vegetables that are fresher, more nutritious and just taste better than what you find in a grocery store. None of that adds up to helping Hellman's create a lie about where most of the food in this country comes from!
Not to mention, we have much better things to spend our time on... like growing the food that will go into your shares in 8 weeks. I'm waiting on a signed lease to secure our space, but with any luck we'll be prepping fields for fall crops this week. We've missed the window on summer due to the transition, but we can start producing greens by mid-August if we can get beds made and seeds in the ground this week. All we're waiting on is that lease, and the ball is in Stevenson's court on that one.