Happy 2019!
Seems odd to be starting up again while it's so cold outside, but we've got crops to be harvested and eggs overflowing from our walk in!
Some of our partners haven't started back up yet, so I unfortunately don't have any pasta or much meat available this week. I'm making a trip out to Woodland Valley on Friday, so there will be meat available for purchase during pickup on Sunday, I just don't have it in the inventory for advance purchase.
We did take a bit of time off - I (Kirsten) slept 14 hours a night for three weeks straight and Mary opted to have surgery to remove a bunion - but mostly we've been doing groundwork to make the coming year run smoothly. Now is the time to gather and spread an extra 2 inches of composted manure in the hoop house, to line the greenhouse shelves with plastic to protect the wood, and to plan out renovations to the chicken coop and tractor barn. During February you'll see our space undergo some major changes so that we can work efficiently to expand our production and sales this year. And we have a new 5 year goal - by 2024 I want to be paying myself, Mary and two employees at least $42,000/year with health insurance and retirement benefits!