Farm Happenings at Hillcrest Farms
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Farm Happenings for July 17, 2024

Posted on July 14th, 2024 by Mark Kastner
Fortunately for Farmers right now, daylight still arrives early in the morning, and we have time to get the critical harvests completed. The important related crop care needs are  taken care of before the  heat wave impacts both plants and workers. We'll start early, take naps, and work evenings to get to the ultimate goal of growing great food! Our co-workers are doing an amazing job!
That aside, I need your help! I changed CSA Seasons from Spring to Summer/ Fall Delivery Schedule. The auto-renew feature of my online account manager (Harvie) failed to introduce our Members to the new Delivery Schedule, and so the Harvie subscribers are not recognized in the system. I ask that you, our valued customers, go into the system and manually renew your Membership. Once we get everyone back on board to the delivery menu and schedules, I will see what we can do to fix the error, because I want to go into Fall/ Winter with everyone on board. Thank you!
This week I am at the Family Fare parking lot in Eaton Rapids on Wednesday at 12:00 noon, and the Allen Street Farmers after that, 3:00-6:00. Thursday afternoon is farm pick up, and Saturday, we are in Grand Ledge for the Farmers Market on River Street, 9:00-1:00. Scheduled home deliveries are on Saturday afternoon, unless other arrangements are made. I hope to see you soon!