** A reminder: Email is our primary way of communicating with members. It is very important that you read the weekly emails so that you're up to date with information about your share. Please take a moment to read the emails each week! We value your time and appreciate you being here**
COMPOSTING at the farm! It was brought to my attention that the compost video was not obviously linked in a previous note. If you'd like to participate in the compost program, please watch the video and let us know if you have questions. New compost buckets and lids can be found directly outside the garage at the farm.
Another quick reminder to please BRING YOUR OWN BAGS to pick up your share on the farm. Transfer your items to your bags when you arrive. If you have a delivered share, please remember to return your tote each week. If you have someone picking up in your place, it is important that you inform them of the share procedure prior to your pick up window. Thank you for your help with this!