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Farm Happenings at Mad Radish Farm
August heat brings peppers sweet!
This week's farm note is all about one of my favorite vegetables of the summer: PEPPERS!
End of August is pepper time, it's when all the sweet peppers are turning color and are ripe for raw eating, cooking or preserving for colder months. We have 1/2 bushel boxes of peppers available for your prese1 read more »
New Chicks! and Planting Fall Food!
Good morning!
A head's up that the new customization windows will be as follows:
TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY -- CSA email goes out Saturday evening OR Sunday morning, customization ends on Monday at 12 noon.
SATURDAY -- CSA email goes out Wednesday morning, customization ends on Th1 read more »
Onion Harvest and Tomato Season Update
Good morning!
The new customization windows will be as follows, as we've been delayed sending the farm notes out each time.
TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY -- CSA email goes out Saturday evening OR Sunday morning, customization ends on Monday at 12 noon.
SATURDAY -- CSA email goes out Wednesday1 read more »
Onion Harvest and Tomato Season Update
We're writing with some unfortunate news today - we will see an early end to our tomato crop due to early blight which we suspect is due to lack of rain and stressed plants. If you're looking to put tomatoes away for the winter, this is the time! I like freezing them whole in bags and processi1 read more »
The Summer Slump
Good morning!
**Note for late week....due to my very delayed email sending, I'm extending the customization window to Thursday at 11:59 am. You'll receive a reminder email four hours before the window closes. **
Summer has a way of humbling me every season. The ambition is high in March; we1 read more »
The Summer Slump
Summer has a way of humbling me every season. The ambition is high in March; we have big plans to grow ALL OF THE THINGS. (I'm definitely blaming seed catalogs here.) But now, as August rolls in, spring's excitement has long worn off, we're hot and exhausted, and there's still a huge list of things1 read more »