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Farm Happenings at Mad Radish Farm
Field Updates
Some folks have asked about how happy we are with the offerings of the CSA, and how things did this year on the whole. The short answer is, for our first year, we think things went pretty well overall. But the true, long answer is much more complicated. The final outcomes of many crops were frustra1 read more »
A Warm Fall & Important 2022 CSA Information
Thank you to everyone who came out to our first Harvest Dinner last night! We had a great time and hope that you enjoyed the food and music.
This fall has been incredibly warm, and it still appears that frost is over a week out, with nighttime lows in the 50s predicted for the week ahead. It'1 read more »
Last Call for Harvest Dinner Tickets and Reserve your Thanksgiving Turkey now!
LAST CALL for Harvest Dinner Tickets! Ticket sales will close on our website Monday 10/18 at midnight. Once you order your tickets, no need to pick them up or bring the confirmation email, we'll have your name on the list day-of.
Thanksgiving Turkeys!
Our friends at Nine Pines Farm are taking order1 read more »
Fall Share Week 3!
It's hard to believe it is already the third week of the fall share. We're excited to see a few new crops come in. Some you'll recognize from the spring (if you weren't familiar with them already), like salad turnips and radishes. Bok choy is also back, and it's looking pretty delicious. Collards a1 read more »
Mushrooms, Leeks & Bulk Ginger!
All I can think about when I see this week's list is this Shiitake, Bacon and Leek Pizza. Sounds like a delicious way to celebrate fall leeks! If you make it this week, can you tell me how it is and maybe share a picture with us on social media!?
Sweet potatoes are in shares this week! We're really1 read more »