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Farm Happenings at Mad Radish Farm
Just THREE Shares left, and then it's Thanksgiving week!!
With just three Fall CSA shares left for the season, we are beginning to look toward Thanksgiving week and beyond.
This year we are offering a Thanksgiving Provisions Box, which will be available for pick up on the farm (or at markets!) on Saturday, 11/18 or Tuesday, 11/21. We’ll also deliver1 read more »
Winter Share 2023-2024 Launch!
2023-2024 Winter Produce Share!
Eat local food all year.
This email will contain a lot of info about the new CSA software, so please save it to reference later if you plan to join for Winter or the 2024 season. We will be taking winter share sign ups on our brand-new platform, Local Fo1 read more »
Where are my cabbage fans?!
Cabbage and broccoli are coming in this week, along with a second variety of broccolini that has more floret and less stem than what you've seen in shares recently. For broccolini, we grow two varieties, one is 'Melody' (the stemmy one) and 'BC611' (the floret-y? one). It is often advantageous to g1 read more »
Please read for important CSA information!
Happy Sunday! Please read this note in entirety for some important CSA information!
Reminder: Pick Up Policy
Please remember that your share must be picked up during your scheduled pick up window. If you have any questions about what your pick up window is, please let us know via email/1 read more »
Meat Share Updates!
A brief meat share update:
We're beginning to stock some beef from Powers Farm in Townshend, DE. They are a small family farm producing pasture-raised beef, pork, and turkeys. You can read more about Powers Farm on their website!
The Powers Farm
Their beef is dry-aged, raised on grass, and suppleme1 read more »
The last plantings...
The final plantings of greens, radishes and spinach are going in this week. We are pushing the envelope a little bit to see if we can get some really late harvests in late November / into December. How they do will depend a lot on how cold it gets and how quickly!
Fingers crossed for some fresh veg1 read more »
Meat Share Updates!
We are going to begin getting some beef from Powers Farm in Townshend DE. Their beef is grass fed, dry aged, and is truly premium local beef! You'll see some prices go up on the beef end because of this, but we believe that it is worth it! Look out for Powers Farm beef on the next meat share. read more »