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Farm Happenings at Mad Radish Farm
Preserving the harvest
It's the point in the season that I'm always itching to get some of summer's bounty in the freezer. Canning isn't a real option for us from a time commitment perspective; I feel fortunate when I get a few bags of tomatoes and peppers in the freezer for winter chili.
But if you're able to make a lit1 read more »
Summer's here now!
Summer is definitely here now! As all the heat-loving produce starts to roll in, we're hot and tired while prepping and planting for fall plants...but this is what we've worked all spring for, so it's full steam ahead now. I always remind myself that we can sleep in December when it's dark for most1 read more »
Rain, we need you!
As I write this, rain is coming down steadily, but it doesn't look like it'll be enough to really soak our bone dry soil. The field is SO dry right now that pretty much everything is desperate for a drink. We're irrigating constantly but our system can't keep up with the water demands of everything1 read more »
C'mon tomatoes...
We've had lots of questions about when tomatoes will show up in CSA shares / at market. The cold spring delayed most every crop in the field, and tomatoes were no exception. We would expect to be harvesting cherry tomatoes by now, but they're just now beginning to ripen. We expect to finally be pic1 read more »
Welcome William!
This holiday weekend we're celebrating the arrival of our second son, William Oliver Reardon! He came fast and furious into the world at 6:38 pm on Friday 7/1 after not quite 4 hours of labor. We're over the moon about this sweet addition to our family!
We also want to thank you in advance for your1 read more »
Welcome baby!
This holiday weekend we're celebrating the arrival of our second son! (His name is yet to be determined!) He came fast and furious into the world at 6:38 pm on Friday 7/1 after not quite 4 hours of labor. We're over the moon about this sweet addition to our family!
We also want to thank you in adva1 read more »