Can you believe it is time to turn the water on?
After all the Spring rains that never seemed to end.
We are irrigating the veggies for the first time this season.
See this week's video!

Trying to remember to keep ourselves hydrated as well.
Did you know that your body is made up of 70% water?

And some of your veggies have that much water too?
So eating "fresh" produce hydrates your body better than eating "cooked" foods.
Here are some of the top 17:
Lettuce 96% water
Cucumber 95% water
Tomato 95% water
Swiss Chard 93% water
Broccoli 89% water
After all the Spring rains that never seemed to end.
We are irrigating the veggies for the first time this season.
See this week's video!

Trying to remember to keep ourselves hydrated as well.
Did you know that your body is made up of 70% water?

And some of your veggies have that much water too?
So eating "fresh" produce hydrates your body better than eating "cooked" foods.
Here are some of the top 17:
Lettuce 96% water
Cucumber 95% water
Tomato 95% water
Swiss Chard 93% water
Broccoli 89% water
"Healthy soil makes healthier veggies, which makes a healthier you." - Farmer, Phil Riehm.

"One" Fruit share - Blueberry more than likely /or maybe raspberry.

"Second" Fruit share - Cherry more than likely / or maybe raspberry.

BREAD SHARE - This third delivery is Oatmeal Maple.
Holding the bread in the fridge as opposed to the freezer toughens and dries the bread.
Because there are no preservatives...
Think about:
Putting half of the loaf into the freezer and thawing when you're finished eating the first half.

BEEF SHARE - This second delivery is 2 steaks (farmers choice t-bone or porterhouse) and 1 pound ground beef.
Think about GETTING THE GRILL GOING, this meat makes for some yummy eating this week.

It's EXCITING!! We have made the FARM FLOWERS happen!
We could all use some downtime, and flowers help break up the daily grind.
Get lost in the beauty. It will take your breath way several times a day!
Our neighbor grows these top quality flowers on her farm just up the road from us.
We suggest you put them where you spend the most time.
Maybe your work place or in your kitchen.
Include them in your RPFarm's CSA Weekly Veggie Box!

Appreciation goes out to all those who stepped forward to help impoverished people with healthy choices earlier this year!!
Carefully selecting the first person to eat with us for 20 weeks was a bit of a task.
But, we found someone who otherwise would not be able to make the choice to eat fresh farm foods.
He is a middle aged and has a blind son with diabetes and loves vegetables.
P.S. I'll tell you more, about the other 2 families who are eating 20 weeks of fresh produce next time!
“We help busy people get weekly, farm fresh meals on the table so they feel healthy and full of ideas as to what’s for dinner.”