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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
RP-Farm Happenings (Delivery 5 Fall/Winter out of 8)
When Farmer Phil returned to the farm in 2014 we began to look at ways to extend the season. This way people could continue to eat locally from our farm and experience the exceptional flavors and nutrition from the Fall/Winter season. Turnips were a good choice because they mature b1 read more »
RP-Farm Happenings (Delivery 4 Fall/Winter out of 8)
[RPFARM] We are already eyeing the many seed catalogs and getting a few shipments of seed orders in. It's been good to look forward and make plans for next season,The 2019 season has turned out to be a blessing with joyous harvests. Matt and Erica are only part of the 8 person crew t1 read more »