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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
Farm Happenings (#19 DELIVERY SUMMER Out Of 20)
We love to hear from our members...Thank you Denise for sending us an email!She says "I've been meaning to tell you the kolhrabi, roasted veggies chicken wrap made with peanut butter replacing the tahini is great. Thanks Diane for advising to not add as much water. Enjoying a wrap everyday"
Farmer&1 read more »
Farm Happenings (#18 DELIVERY SUMMER Out Of 20) (copy 01)
We love to hear from our members... Thank you to CSA Market Box member Brandie Gruss for emailing us! She exclaimed,"The zucchini bread is excellent and the whole family likes it. Thank you for having it as an option!"
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week! * These LOOK&1 read more »
Farm Happenings (#17 DELIVERY SUMMER Out Of 20)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week!* These LOOK healthy!* TASTE oh-so good! * Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!
1. Standard Red Tomatoes - Get them while you still can! There's only a few weeks left of tomato season. Stock up and start canning so you can have1 read more »
Farm Happings (week #16 out of 20 summer)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week!* These LOOK healthy!* TASTE oh-so good! * Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!
1. Sweet peppers - You'll want to get snacking on these sweet and crunchy peppers! High in vitamin C, these are healthy and deliciou1 read more »
Farm Happings (week #15 out of 20 summer)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week! * These LOOK healthy!
* TASTE oh-so good! * Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!
1. Kohlrabi- Part of the cabbage family and has a mild and somewhat sweet taste. Cut and eat raw in salads, steamed, saut&eacu1 read more »