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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
RP-Farm Happenings (Delivery 5 Fall/Winter out of 8)
Watch as Farmer Phil puts the strawberry plants to bed for warm winter nights. Video We have plenty of our winter crops covered and protected. But you want to THINK AHEAD about grabbing some of the outside "cold-weather crops" for your next delivery.
These won't be around much long1 read more »
RP-Farm Happenings (Delivery 4 Fall/Winter out of 8)
Farmer Phil and staff are keeping busy on the farm, even in the colder months. Can you believe... 3,000 pounds of potatoes are headed out this week for a big order to another CSA farmer in Indiana! Potato season is upon us and we have 50% more potatoes in storage than1 read more »