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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
Farm Happening (#10 SUMMER DELIVERY out of 20)
Heirloom tomatoes are finally here. They offer an intense flavor that puts them in a class of their own. Different varieties and flavors are Farmer Phil's favorites! Don't mind the cracks because they are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps nourish the adrenal glands and reduce1 read more »
Farm Happenings (#9 SUMMER DELIVERY out of 20)
Have you noticed there are more choices on your customization page this time of year? Example: Sweet corn was not an option this past week in my selections when it was time to customize. BUT I was able hit the swap arrows and see that sweet corn was available. Without hesitati1 read more »
Farm Happening (8th DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
We started getting our greenhouses ready for Winter production! These trees below were harvested from our land this spring. They are now being sawed into lumber to make permanent raised beds in the greenhouses. This will save us from walking on the growing areas with controlled1 read more »
Farm Happening (7th DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
Double duty this week! Baling straw from the wheat field and laying those bales between the newly planted strawberry plants for weed control. Our hope is to harvest more of your Favorite Fruits by increasing our production of strawberries in the fields next year. Woo Hoo! Seve1 read more »
Farm Happening (6th DELIVERY SUMMER of 20)
How does a cucumber become a pickle?
It goes through a jarring process! We know we may be in quite a pickle after that joke, but for the next several weeks we will be harvesting CUCUMBERS. Time to start thinking about meal prepping since there's so many different ways you ca1 read more »