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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
Farm Happening (1st DELIVERY FALL/WINTER OUT OF 8)
Watermelon and black radishes, YUM! Listen to the several ways on how to eat them.
Carflex cone is the sweetest lady among the cabbages. She has graceful curves, and silky smooth leaves. The flavor is mild, the texture is tender, and the taste is buttery sweet. Keep in the refr1 read more »
This is the last delivery for the SUMMER 2019 farm share season. But not the last of the farm happenings. Of course you know we begin the Fall/Winter farm share deliveries the fist week of November... BUT DID YOU KNOW that we have a Webinar scheduled for January 3, 2020? &nbs1 read more »
Farm Happening (19th SUMMER DELIVERY OUT OF 20)
TO FIND OUT when the season ends, LOOK in the "title" of the FARM HAPPENINGS. (notice today is week #19). Summer farm share season is for "20 weeks". Fall/Winter Shares start November 4th. Pick-ups are twice a month. Do your carrots taste bitter, sometimes?&nbs1 read more »