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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
Farm Happening (5th DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
One thing we want to ask God when we get to heaven is... "Why are peas GREEN?" They are much harder to pick when the vine is the same color! Since the picking has ready to end, we'll just reminisce about the question again next summer... BUT...Lettuce is in abundances right no1 read more »
Farm Happening (4th DELIVERY SUMMER)
Rain, rain go away. Crazy how fast the rain came last week! Listen as Farmer Phil explains the process of pumping out 4-5 inches of rain from our vegetable field into the ditch. Always saving the day! Unfortunately, the spinach crop did not survive well enough1 read more »
Farm Happening (3rd DELIVERY SUMMER)
WHAT's COMING and GOING at RPFarm...Garlic Scape season is very short, so enjoy them while you can! We are starting to harvest! You'll want to chop them up and put them in the freezer for later because they are SO GOOD. Scapes are very versatile and can be used just like garlic&1 read more »
Farm Happening (2nd DELIVERY SUMMER)
Hurray! It's everyone's favorite time of the year- STRAWBERRY SEASON!Check out Farmer Phil and his family enjoying some family time on the farm picking strawberries.It's crucial to follow these simple steps for strawberries to last longer!
Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 1/2 cup1 read more »