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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
Farm Happenings (#10 DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week!
* These LOOK healthy!
* TASTE oh-so good!
* Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!1. Sweet Corn - Finally the awaited ARRIVAL HAS COME! The ears may be small on this first batch that we planted due to the crazy wea1 read more »
Farm Happenings (#9 DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week!
* These LOOK healthy!
* TASTE oh-so good!
* Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!1. Kohlrabi- Easily prepared by peeling off the outermost bulb layer with a sharp knife. Simply eat slices like celery. Great health1 read more »
Farm Happenings (#8 DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week!
* These LOOK healthy!
* TASTE oh-so good!
* Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!1. Kale - Why don't you try the way THE FABULOUS Chef Gretchen uses Kale for a crowd-pleasing main dish with her Cheesy Bread with K1 read more »
Farm Happenings (#7 DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
Farm Happenings
You will see we are thinking outside the box to detour insects with the colorful addition of marigolds to our brussels sprout patch!
Our dedicated farm crew spent MANY, MANY LONG, slow, tedious HOURS cleaning small aphids off last years brussels sprouts and needed a solution.
Finger1 read more »