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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
Farm Happening (18th SUMMER DELIVERY SUMMER)
TO FIND OUT when the season ends, LOOK in the "title" of the FARM HAPPENINGS. (notice today is week #18). Summer farm share season is for "20 weeks". BEFORE THE SUMMER FARM SHARES ARE OVER!
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Farm Happening (17th DELIVERY SUMMER)
We are now harvesting the Fall Squashes. Here is a guide to help you decide which type to choose? Just as a tip, I always cook mine in the microwave a bit to make it easier to cut open... then I finish cooking in the oven. * When cooked, the meat of the spaghetti squash fal1 read more »
Farm Happening (16th DELIVERY SUMMER)
Are you enjoying the cherry/grape tomatoes? We've been harvesting them since August 7th, and I have eaten at least a pint every week since because they are so handy to grab. They're just starting to slow down in their production at this point in the season, but I think we can get another1 read more »
Farm Happening (15th DELIVERY SUMMER)
The pumpkin harvest has started. It is always a FUN time tossing different colors across the field. We will offer some pumpkins for sale on the route soon! Mini painted ones for your desk, and pie pumpkins. Look for them in your extras list in another week. "Healthy soil m1 read more »