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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
Farm Happening (9th DELIVERY SUMMER)
You may have figured out by now that we like to mix things up a bit for you. Keeping your veggie bag EXCITING! If you noticed sometimes you get a small yellow cucumber. This is called salt and pepper! We starting planting them a couple of years ago and they are a crowd pleaser.&1 read more »
Farm Happening (8th DELIVERY SUMMER)
We're getting ready for cooler temperatures! How about you? ONLY ABOUT 60 DAYS UNTIL FALL ARRIVES! Your farmers are some of the most positive thinkers there are. WINK, WINK! What's your favorite color of pumpkins? Find out about the different colors in this week's video.&nb1 read more »
Farm Happening (7th DELIVERY SUMMER)
You know that feeling that you get when you want to do a happy dance? Well, your farmers got that jig in our steps the other day. Jacquelyn a TV star, from the Great Food Truck Race came to select veggies from PRFarm fields the other day. Jacquelyn is in the "beach episodes" th1 read more »
Farm Happening (6th DELIVERY SUMMER)
Can you believe it is time to turn the water on? After all the Spring rains that never seemed to end. We are irrigating the veggies for the first time this season. See this week's video! Trying to remember to keep ourselves hydrated as well. D1 read more »