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Farm Happenings at Riehm Produce Farm
Farm Happenings for September 7, 2022
It's time to reserve your spot for the 2022/2023 Fall-Winter season!
As a convenience to you, your farm CSA Market Box will automatically renew into the "2022/2023 Fall-Winter season." This will take place TOMORROW Tuesday October 18, 2022.
What to expect:
You will receive an email about1 read more »
Farm Happenings (#14 DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 from the field this week!
Two and a half (2 1/2) inches of rain and heavy winds over this past weekend was hard on some of our crops, especially the tomatoes. Tomatoes split when they get too much water. BUT...
* Harvesting PLENTY of other c1 read more »
Farm Happenings (#13 DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 from the field this week!
* These LOOK very healthy! * TASTE oh-so good!
* Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!
1. Curly Kale - One cup of cooked kale has 1000% MORE vitamin C than one cup of cooked spinac1 read more »
Farm Happening (12th DELIVERY SUMMER out of 20)
Farmer Phil's TOP 5 from the field this week!
* These LOOK very healthy! * TASTE oh-so good!
* Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!
1. Heirloom tomatoes - While regular tomatoes are grown for appearance and graded into specific sizes, heirloom t1 read more »