We are often asked whether to refrigerate or to leave your tomatoes on the counter?
Both ways are correct!
It's okay to store tomatoes in a shady cool area on your counter top.
BUT, then eat them up quickly! This gives you the best flavor.
Too busy to eat them up?
In a couple of days, place them in the refrigerator crisper drawer for 2 to 3 days.
HOWEVER, flavor tends to decrease. But, you still have a good tomato!
One of the best things about tomatoes is...you don’t need to do much to make a great tasting dish.
What's the best way to keep Sweet Corn fresh?
If you are too busy to eat right away,
leave the husk on the sweet corn,
place in a plastic bag with the silk end tilted down into the bag.
Stays fresh for several days, so you can eat later!
"Healthy soil makes healthier veggies, which makes a healthier you." - Farmer, Phil Riehm.
Some of the crops are starting to come on in abundance NOW.
A bumper crop you might say.
So we are blowing out some specials of larger quantities.
1. Cucumbers
2. Chard
3. Kale
4. We just added Sweet Corn to the "extra's list" too.
Rachel Benson shared a great idea for Snacking, Pot-lucks, Family Reunions, or as she says...
Lunch!!!! CSA cucumber, CSA chives mixed into cream cheese, smoked salmon and CSA dill on top. Love smoked salmon and love eating it like this!!!
AUGUST 12 - 17

FRUIT FORECAST PREDICTION - Peaches (donuts and regular mixed) and Nectarines.
HAMBURGER SHARES - 3 packs of 1# bulk
Phil, John & Diane,
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riehmproducefarm
Instagram: www.instagram.com/riehmfarms
Website: http://FunAcres.net
Email: riehmfarms@gmail.com
“We help busy people get weekly, farm fresh meals on the table so they feel healthy and full of ideas as to what’s for dinner.”