WHAT's COMING and GOING at RPFarm...
Garlic Scape season is very short, so enjoy them while you can! We are starting to harvest!
You'll want to chop them up and put them in the freezer for later because they are SO GOOD.
Scapes are very versatile and can be used just like garlic in recipes.
The possibilities are endless...
- Sautéd, roasted, pickled, added to soups, and more.
Hurray! Two of everyone's favorite veggies are HERE!
Zucchini and yellow Summer Squash are the perfect veggies for quick dinner side or healthy main dish.
So many GREAT ways to prepare squash!
To take a great quote from Forrest Gump about shrimp that also applies to squash "Anyway, like I was sayin', You can grill it, steam it, shred it on salad. There's uh, kabobs, casseroles, pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. That- that's about it."
If you love Asparagus and Scallions, GRAB some extras in your weekly bag since we are close to the end of the season and have maybe 2 weeks left!
Traditionally we follow with another onion after scallions, but sadly our supplier shorted us on early plants.
Prepare by scooping up more now since you won't see onions until about July or August.
Hopefully we can distract you from this pending end of season asparagus news and tell you the BIG news...
Can you spot the newest members of the goat family?
Everyone is very excited about the baby goats!
Even the momma goats are clearly trying to keep the little cuties away from people.
No biggie. Even if you can't get close to them now, you can SNATCH UP goat milk products!
RUSH to Grab handmade goat milk products to your bag this week. These are always a pleasure to have on hand:
- Bath Bombs
- Soap
- Both made without dyes or chemicals
- Caramel Sauce
- Goat milk has the closest molecules to human milk so it is very digestible. USE FOR: coffee, ice cream, apples.
Ever find yourself in a pinch to pick up your Veggie bag and all your amazing Extras?
We understand that it can be difficult at times to pick up your share.
Don't fret!
A friend or family member can pick up your farm share by giving us your name. Problem solved!
Speaking of friends, You guys are the best!!!
Thanks to your generosity in donating CSA farm shares, we have another family that is receiving 20 weekly veggie bags this summer from your "Donation Add-ons"!
MaryLou helps with her extended family and is always ready to help others. She has a family of her own and grandchildren. Thank you for the blessing of fresh veggies.
Pumping water off of veggie field
See schedule below:
FULL SEASON FRUIT FORECAST PREDICTION - The daily downpours of rain lately has make it hard to predict this week.
EGG SHARES - Wholesome and beautiful brown eggs from Anderson's Farm.
HAMBURGER-OF-THE-MONTH SHARES - The first delivery of Riehm's Frozen 3 (one) 1 pound packages. Second delivery is scheduled for the week of July 19. No added hormone or antibiotics, born and raised on our farm, roaming over 40 acres of rotating grassy pastures.
FLOWER SHARES- Weekly flowers are starting. If you ordered every-other-week flowers and you don't get them this first delivery, you are scheduled to receive them the next week. From Clay Hill Farm.

Coming June 21-26:
FULL SEASON FRUIT FORECAST PREDICTION - If you chose more than one fruit at sign-up, we try our hardest to give you two different fruits. We are hoping to have strawberries and cherries, but due to limited quantities we can't take requests.
"WHOLE" CHICKEN-OF-THE-MONTH SHARES - The finest whole chicken raised by the Anderson family. The second delivery will be the week of July 26.
BREAD SHARES - Rosemary Boule'. Wheat flour, rye, eight grains, rosemary, olive oil. Perfect for a bowl of pasta.
Coming June 28-July 3:
Farmer Phil, John & Diane Riehm
Riehm Produce Farm