Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week!
* These LOOK healthy!
* TASTE oh-so good!
* Harvesting PLENTY right NOW!
1. Kale - Why don't you try the way THE FABULOUS Chef Gretchen uses Kale for a crowd-pleasing main dish with her Cheesy Bread with Kale and Sausage recipe?

2. Fresh beans - Mixed colors. Keeping multiple colors in your tummy keeps your immune system stronger.

3. Tomatoes - All different kinds are coming on now! Heirloom, cherry, regular slicing.

4. Fennel - This veggie can reduce inflammation in the bowels and decrease bacteria that cause gassiness. How awesome is that?
Consume the young stalks and inflated base like celery. You can also use as a “bed” underneath roasted meats (like roasted whole chicken) or fish.
Use the “hairy” fern at the top in salads, sauces, vinaigrettes, soups, garnish dishes, etc.
Fennel has a very mild anise or licorice flavor that can be enhanced or sweeten your main dish.

The list of what you can do with fennel
is as long as the list of what you can
do with celery or carrots or onions.
5. Scallions - Farmer Phil says there are tons in the field and regular onions are at least a few weeks away from being ready to harvest.

Remember this year's Challenge for Diane is... to GUIDE YOU to "eat everything in your box"...
1. Kale - Why don't you try the way THE FABULOUS Chef Gretchen uses Kale for a crowd-pleasing main dish with her Cheesy Bread with Kale and Sausage recipe?

2. Fresh beans - Mixed colors. Keeping multiple colors in your tummy keeps your immune system stronger.

3. Tomatoes - All different kinds are coming on now! Heirloom, cherry, regular slicing.

4. Fennel - This veggie can reduce inflammation in the bowels and decrease bacteria that cause gassiness. How awesome is that?
Consume the young stalks and inflated base like celery. You can also use as a “bed” underneath roasted meats (like roasted whole chicken) or fish.
Use the “hairy” fern at the top in salads, sauces, vinaigrettes, soups, garnish dishes, etc.
Fennel has a very mild anise or licorice flavor that can be enhanced or sweeten your main dish.

The list of what you can do with fennel
is as long as the list of what you can
do with celery or carrots or onions.
5. Scallions - Farmer Phil says there are tons in the field and regular onions are at least a few weeks away from being ready to harvest.

Remember this year's Challenge for Diane is... to GUIDE YOU to "eat everything in your box"...
RUSH OVER to the customization page TODAY and GRAB:
- Kale
- Sausage
- Gouda cheese
- Basil
- Loaf of Italian Bread
- Recipe card by THE FABULOUS Chef Gretchen titled Cheesy Bread with Kale and Sausage!
Let's coach you on what "food prep" means.
- Kale
- Sausage
- Gouda cheese
- Basil
- Loaf of Italian Bread
- Recipe card by THE FABULOUS Chef Gretchen titled Cheesy Bread with Kale and Sausage!
Let's coach you on what "food prep" means.
Tip ONE: WHEN YOU GET YOUR BOX HOME... the first thing you should think about is putting your meat onto a plate to thaw in the refrigerator.
Tip ONE part B: ALSO WHEN YOU GET YOUR BOX HOME... cut up one veggie from your box. This week we suggest you strip the stem from the kale and cut into bite-sized pieces.
Tip TWO: Within 2-3 days cook the meat. Place into the freezer if you don't have time to make Cheesy Bread with Kale and Sausage.
Tip TWO part B: Within 2-3 days cook the kale or place in the freezer temporarily.
Your meal comes together MUCH EASIER with "meal prep" rather than trying to pull all the pieces together for one meal at a time.
Your mind is starting to run on auto-pilot now, which is easier than your brain running on task mode.
CSA member, Barb suggested getting several types of meat and cooking it all at once for another 'meal prep" tip.

Tip TWO part B: Within 2-3 days cook the kale or place in the freezer temporarily.
Your meal comes together MUCH EASIER with "meal prep" rather than trying to pull all the pieces together for one meal at a time.
Your mind is starting to run on auto-pilot now, which is easier than your brain running on task mode.
CSA member, Barb suggested getting several types of meat and cooking it all at once for another 'meal prep" tip.

Unboxing Video...
It's here! Watch the video below and DISCOVER new ways to BE INSPIRED with your box this week.
GRAB this week's Recipe Card from THE FABULOUS Chef Gretchen to keep your kitchen full of seasonal ideas.
P.S. To keep your flowers longer: Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar (feeds the flowers), 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (kills the bacteria) and 2 tablespoons of warm water. Add the mixture into a vase filling it with cold water before adding your flowers.
P.S.S. Thank you for all the reviews last week! We have a goal of reaching 100 (5) FIVE star reviews this year. WOW, we are at 22 currently! Keep them coming... CLICK HERE to leave a review and support our local family farm. Thank you!
Phil, John, & Diane Riehm
Riehm Produce Farm
Review from Amanda B. Our family loves the wide variety of produce available through the CSA boxes and customizing is super simple! In addition to fresh produce, we enjoy the many options for farm-raised beef and pork as well as bread, pasta and milk.
Phil, John, & Diane Riehm
Riehm Produce Farm
Review from Amanda B. Our family loves the wide variety of produce available through the CSA boxes and customizing is super simple! In addition to fresh produce, we enjoy the many options for farm-raised beef and pork as well as bread, pasta and milk.