Farm Happenings at Covey Rise Farms
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Farm Happenings for August 22, 2024

Posted on August 19th, 2024 by Grady Seale

We are finally picking enough okra to offer it in yalls boxes, it is truly flourishing in this heat, unlike most of all the other plants! The only other thing that has done well was our bumper crop of cantaloupes, which I am thinking did so well due to the dryer weather we had when they began to ripen. We went a good 2.5 to 3 weeks without substantial rains, which you all know by now I am fine with! Fall tomatoes and peppers are looking good in the field and growing well, we will be planting some shallots/green onions this week. I want to say I heard that the weather was going to be a biut nicer this week so hopefully we see that happen, I am certainly ready for any type of relief on this heat!