As most of you know, this is our first year on this land in Dover. We're in the very beginning stages of understanding the soils here, the best way to layout our fields, what the microclimates are, and so much more. One of the first things that we did after closing on the farm was test the soils. In analyzing the results we learned that one of our fields is very deficient - low pH, low organic matter, and generally needing some TLC. It had been row cropped for years, continually going into corn, soy, wheat, repeat. Our goal is to slowly improve the soils overtime, by incorporating mulch into our beds (mushrooms soil, straw, and wood chips), growing cover crops (as we expand we'll have more room for cover cropping), and eventually adding compost. Right now our goal is to grow the best vegetables we possibly can on this land, knowing that we'll be continually improving from here on out.
This week you'll see some new crops on the list but they'll be limited and the very first picking will go to the extras list (cherry tomatoes). So these will be available to add-on to your share for this week and as we start to pick more they'll go into the main share. Eggplant and peppers will be available in small quantities, along with cabbage and napa cabbage. If you don't see them in your share this week, don't worry, more will be coming soon!
We have a new logo and we're really excited about it!!! We'll be posting soon about some Mad Radish swag, so keep an eye out for that if you're interested in stickers or t-shirts! Mad Radish Founding Members will also receive a tote bag with the new logo before the season's close.