Happy New Year!! And WELCOME to the start of our 2021 Season.
We are super excited to be starting this season...it's all new this time around. And we have a great line up of products for you!
Along with the usual assortment of carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbage, etc...we also have broccoli and cauliflower coming from BC and another batch of those delicious oranges that we tested in December. They are soo much better than the case I got for our family (from the grocery store;(
The milk products are still being finalized...but we will try our best to get that on the list yet shortly.
Those of you with the meat share can expect an extra email later this week once we have everything in order.
With the holiday it has been a challenge getting all the items together between everyone's holidays...but I think we are on a roll now.
Farmer Tim has been enjoying browsing the seed catalogs...and the seed order is almost ready...it's a big order every year so we like to get things organized early enough to get everything here on time in the spring...especially with border issues and such. This week has been pretty busy with the kids all home from school...and trying to get some learning done too...but it is almost a wrap and I am thankful that they get to go back again next week. It's been a very long break for our big boys and they are ready to get back.
We are looking forward to the new season...and hope you will too! As always ...feel free to share our information with your friends ...they are welcome to join us ...and prices are prorated by the week so everyone only pays for the weeks they get.
Greetings from your farmers!!