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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
Farm Happenings for May 3, 2021
It's been a busy week on the farm. The weather was nice for long enough for us to get lots of strawberries planted. We used up all the available space and will wait to place more beds to plant the rest.
We have also been doing lots of seeding. The little kids love helping fi1 read more »
The Greenhouse is Up!! (Orders for April 26)
I am so happy to be able to share a picture of the greenhouse safely covered! It was a beautiful day yesterday...perfect for getting plastic on the greenhouse. Lots of neighbor kids came out to help us and by noon we had most of it done. I can't wait to get in there next week and1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 19, 2021
The storage season is winding down and we are all getting ready for new crops!
If you have items that have been missed (squash, carrots, etc) just know that this is because there is no product left. The coolers have been emptied right out of those items. Unfortunately...we w1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 12, 2021
We are Spring Cleaning today! Yup...it's that time of the year when I want things tidied up and ready for a new season. Did you think I was talking about my house?? Nah...that's minor ;) I am talking about everything outdoors, garden related. Yesterday I started cleaning the1 read more »