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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
Farm Happenings for November 30, 2020
Greetings from the comfort of our homes!! My house stays busy and active regardless of lockdowns....but we truly hope that you are all doing well and finding things to do to keep busy at home. To all the other moms out there....here is a virtual hug!! (and a picture to bring you a smile:) I l1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 23, 2020
(Sorry! Thought we sent this email out yesterday!)
The snow is nearly melted...just a skating rink left of my yard!! Looking forward to enough of a chinook to melt it all away before the next snow of the season. Not a lot of anything exciting on the farm this week....but by next week we hope1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 16, 2020
We have shoveled ourselves out once again! It was a major blizzard last weekend and we had lots of snow to shovel by the time it was all done! (Drifts were reaching 10' tall in some areas....so thankful we have a tractor to dig ourselves out with!) Thankfully we were able to get our del1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 9, 2020
Our first week of Winter deliveries worked out great! Tim took one route and Rebecca took the other one. Hopefully everyone had their shares arrive in good order. PLEASE PLEASE HAVE YOUR COOLERS READY! As the weather cools down we do not want your lettuce freezing before you1 read more »