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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
Farm Happenings for November 2, 2020
Check out that beautiful sunrise we saw this morning!
It's the kick off week for the Fall Share. Be sure to check your share contents to make sure that you are signed up for all the items you want to get. Remember the fruit is part of the regular share this season (That's why it now has1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 26, 2020
Another cold week on the farm. But the greenhouse was still showing a bit of green. Our experiment of growing beans into the fall was doing well...but next year we will fill it earlier so that we get more chances to pick beans before they freeze. This row of beans was seeded after1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 19, 2020
Fall (winter??) has arrived! We woke up to -6 this morning...with lots more cold, wet weather coming up this weekend. This is when we are thankful for home delivery. At least they get to warm up in between stops.
This will put a complete wrap on the gardens...but the only th1 read more »
Order date changed for Thanksgiving Day
Hello and Happy Thanksgiving.
Since we are on a holiday week...we would like to get your orders a little early this week. For Tuesday and Wednesday please have your orders in by Friday evening. This will allow us to stay organized and also enjoy Thanksgiving Day off with the family.
The1 read more »
Just a quick reminder that the Thanksgiving delivery will be this Friday. Tomorrow....from 4 -6 at the Food Bank. Hope to see you there.
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving! read more »
Farm Happenings for October 5, 2020
We are enjoying a beautiful Autumn!! I can not ever remember such a long fall, such mild days, such beautiful weather...I keep wondering how much longer it will last? And the kids are loving being able to spend so many hours outside yet!! Jesse was pretty proud of his cabbage hat....I just had to s1 read more »