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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
It's Back to School
And my newsletter is late again! It's just been wild and crazy around here. (I told Tim I would write the newsletter first thing this morning....after I finish up last nights dishes!!!!:(
We did manage to get the kids off to school on time...and the house is pretty quiet without them ho1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 30, 2021
Welcome to Autumn, I can't believe summer flew by so fast...but we have arrived at sweater season. At least first thing in the morning. Summer was fast and hot...and hopefully fall will last for a long time yet.
We made a big mistake last week!!! We totally missed putt1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 23, 2021
It's Raining! And what a beautiful sound it is! What a blessing! We have had so much heat and very dry conditions and we are just sitting here watching the rain fall and counting our blessings!
Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words in the last week (and many times throughout t1 read more »
Big Changes Coming for Our Family
It's time to tell you all some hard news.
We have decided to quit the CSA Program at the end of this season.
It has been a decision we have not taken lightly...but we have given it 10 years of blood, sweat and tears and feel that it is time to move on.
We can not thank you as our members enough for1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 9, 2021
It's August already and the fun continues. There is always something ready to harvest at this time of the year. The beans are doing great and if anyone wants bulk beans for preserving...now is the time to speak up and ask for some. The first cherry tomatoes have been picked...those girl1 read more »