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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
Farm Happenings for July 27, 2020
The gardens are doing great!! What else can I say? The snap peas are giving us a bumper crop this year! It's awesome and we are happy to be able to share the delicious harvest with you. The beans are a never ending picking party too...If we get done half the patch one day we can start a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 20, 2020
Well, Chantal is a married lady!! And her wedding was absolutely beautiful! It has been a joy to watch this young lady go from a 14 yr old shy teenager helping in the garden to the wonderful woman she it today! And no- she is not our daughter...but she sure counts as family;) We w1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 13, 2020
The warmth of summer is trying hard to arrive. But we are enjoying watching the crops show lots of promise of great things to come! The carrots, beans, potatoes and cukes are only a week or two away.
Things are about to get very busy as we move into full summer crops. 1 read more »