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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
First fall delivery
Hello and welcome to the Fall CSA season.
After a short, busy break, we are ready for the Fall CSA season. We have spent much of the last 2 weeks in the gardens. Bravely working away at the carrots (that really wanted to stay in the ground for the winter) and prying them from the muddy1 read more »
Last Delivery of the 2018 Noble Gardens CSA Season
We have reached the end of the summer CSA season!
And so we say a huge THANK YOU for all your support this summer!! It has been the hardest growing season ever (long time farmers say since the mid 80s) and we really appreciate your feedback from week to week. Even when the going was tou1 read more »
Delivery is Friday October 5th - instead of Thanksgiving Monday!
Just a quick heads up that the Lethbridge Thanksgiving Delivery will take place on FRIDAY, October 5 from 4 - 6.
Hope to see you all there. And we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
(there will be one more delivery on October 15 and then the summer season is over!) read more »