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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
Meat Order for March 8, 2021
Fresh Chicken this week!
We are super happy to have a brand new batch of chickens in the freezer. Thanks to Erica at Chicken Bacon Ranch (I love her name!!...she grew our chickens last year also...and also does some pork)
These birds were grown in the middle of winter!! And they turned out ju1 read more »
Order Form for March 8, 2021 Delivery
Today we bring greetings from 'Lil Helpers! Angie and Albert and their 5 children live just outside of Coaldale and there is even a family tie in this one. Angie is my cousin (oh the fun we had sleeping over at each others houses during our childhood years!) I will let her carry on with1 read more »
Order form for March 1, 2021
We have survived a week of holidays! It has been a noisy, busy week. But thankfully it was beautiful weather that allowed the kids to spend hours outside skating, sledding, quading, etc. They have certainly had lots of fresh air.
This momma is ready to get back into routine next w1 read more »
Meat Order for February 22, 2021
The meat has finally arrived. Sorry for the delay. There is fresh cuttings of beef and pork this week. The beef cuttings are still not our custom cut...that will be in March. So there are some bigger pieces (future cuttings will be smaller portions on the roasts, etc).
As su1 read more »
Order Form for week of February 22, 2021
Hopefully everyone stayed warm last week! It was a chiller!
Thanks to everyone for having their coolers ready for us! The hot water bottle was a lifesaver this week. We received our insulated liners and put them to the test....unfortunately...after only 2 hours we had1 read more »
Meat order for Week of the February 15th.
Well, we know the meat is not going to be thawing in this weather!!!
Winter has returned with a vengeance...and I for one am enjoying staying inside.
We hope you have enjoyed your meat share so far. We would love to have your feedback??
This week we have some pork that was f1 read more »
Time to ORDER for February 15, 2021
...Brrr...It's COLD OUTSIDE!!
Please remember your coolers with a bottle of hot water (waterbottle/milk jug). This little bit of extra effort will protect your produce from freezing. And please collect your shares as soon as possible.
Our winter has been pretty reasonable so far...and c1 read more »