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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
Farm Happenings for August 2, 2021
Broccoli and cauliflower are happening! And as long as the heat isn't too bad...they could get to be good sized too.
This week we actually gifted everyone a extra bag of broccoli because there is so much of it ready all at once. It is definitely time to dust off the broccoli salad recipes...a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 26, 2021
It's already Monday again!! These summer weeks are just flying by. But look at me go!! My order for is ready on time this week.
Hope you are all staying safe with all this smoke. Usually this time of year we enjoy sitting around the fire to relax...but this year we know that is si1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 19, 2021
The order form is finally ready for you! It's late this week because of exciting things in BC!
The blueberry harvest has started and we are getting fresh blueberries. I don't know about you but I can't wait to get those delicious fresh blueberries from the Fraser Valley...(1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 12, 2021
My heart is so happy today! After a week of scorching heat that had every farmer within miles getting more worried by the day....we are again enjoying the mud.
I don't usually enjoy the mud...just because 12 people going in and out of my house all day can really spell disaster when there is m1 read more »