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Farm Happenings at Noble Gardens
Farm Happenings for December 21, 2020
It's the last delivery of the 2020 year! Thank you all very much for your support.
It has been a most interesting year...but we are super thankful that we were able to continue supplying you all with great food!
The kids are all home from school now...and the ice is ready for skat1 read more »
Farm Happenings for December 14, 2020
Only 2 weeks left of deliveries until Christmas break. I know it won't be big family dinners this year...but that doesn't need to stop you from eating healthy....
We would love to hear your feedback on last weeks addition of oranges and broccoli and what you thought of the new apple varieties??&nbs1 read more »
Broccoli, Oranges and a new shipment of Apples
Our load finally arrived. Sorry for the late email...but we didn't even know the total counts of all the new items we ordered.
You will have until Monday morning 7am to place your order.
New this week are fresh products from the West Coast. They still have growin1 read more »