We are settling in with our precious new little girl...and she's stealing everyone's hearts!!
Reminder - if you are not home - please leave a cooler by your door to put the veggies in.
Our first trip of home delivery worked pretty good - just need to perfect our map a bit so that we can drive a bit more efficiently through the city. We spend a full 8 hour day doing the drive on Tuesday and Tim's main comment was - Do you know how many school zones there are in Calgary?? It is a slow drive for the most part - but hopefully we can tweak our route a bit to make things a little quicker.
The cut off time for swapping items it Monday morning at 8am. Please if you want to make any changes make sure it is done on time. This will allow us to start packing orders on time for Tuesday morning.
The snow is all melted - but the garden is still very wet!! We went out to try dig carrots - but it's still very muddy. Hopefully the wind will continue to blow over the weekend and we hope to try again next week. We really want to get those carrots out because they are the best tasting carrots around.
The onions are coming out - they are a bit dryer so we were able to pull lots of onions this week.
Hoping for a few more days of drying weather so we can wrap up the harvest!