Spring has Sprung at Noble Gardens! We started all the strawberry plants early this year (aiming for an earlier and longer crop of berries this summer). The greenhouse is actually loaded to the max already and we have more plants to bring in there! What's all growing so far?? There are beans, peas, celery, leek, tomatoes, cukes, parsley, kale, chard, beets, and, of course, the strawberries. And we can not forget the flowers that Mr. N helped seed - zinnias and marigolds for some summer color!
It's the time of year when we get everything ready so that as soon as it's dry we can get in the field and start planting. The tillers, weeders, transplanters, etc are all getting a good maintenance job done so they are in top form once we get started.
Only a few more days and we will be in the field to start our 10th CSA season at Noble Gardens!