"Healthy soil makes healthier veggies, which makes a healthier you." - Farmer, Phil Riehm.
Walking around the packing barn we gathered quotes from staff members who gladly shared.
Discover what we are doing for your weekly veggie bags in the video.
"One" Fruit share - Strawberries (first picture)
"Second" Fruit share - 1# Rhubarb (second picture)
Rhubarb sauce is my favorite.
Maybe because it can be used in so many ways...
A deliciously tart spread that goes well on toast, in oatmeal, on waffles and pancakes, or baked into crumb bars.
Here are 50+ rhubarb recipes...
I'm going to try the rhubarb lemonade.
Besides I hear rhubarb can also,
dramatically increase the rate at which the body burns fat,
thereby helping you to lose weight!
BREAD SHARE - This first delivery is Sunflower Seed.
Holding the bread in the fridge as opposed to the freezer toughens and dries the bread.
Because there are no preservatives...
Think about:
Putting half of the loaf into the freezer and thaw when you're finished eating the first half.
HAMBURGER SHARE - 3# ground beef was scheduled to be delivered this week.
However, the steer did not grow as fast as predicted.
No worries...we have this covered...
Your delivery will be in about 3 weeks.
Thank you, for your patience!

We are supporting Turkeyfoot Creamery in Wauseon to bring you one of the finest goat milk cheeses in NW Ohio.
All natural, handcrafted artisan.
Curds, spreadable Chevre and hard cheeses like Gouda and Feta.
Straight off the farm.
We had a room full of taste samplers from RPFarm select the choices for you.
The ooh's and awe's and excited pleasures even surprised us.
Be sure to "add" some to try TODAY!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riehmproducefarm
Instagram: www.instagram.com/riehmfarms
Website: http://FunAcres.net
Email: riehmfarms@gmail.com
“We help busy people get weekly, farm fresh meals on the table so they feel healthy and full of ideas as to what’s for dinner.”