Farmer Phil's TOP 5 this week!
1. Kohlrabi - Use this crunchy bulb shredded in fresh slaws or with dips; cooked in soups or stews; roasted like you might other vegetables, or sautéed in stir-fries or fritters.

3. Cherry tomato - Sweeter than your slicing tomato. These are great eaten all on their own as a delicious snack!

4. Sweet corn - Looking for a summer side dish? Our corn is tender and sweet and makes the perfect side to complete your summer meals!

5. Fresh beans - Nothing tastes better than fresh picked beans!
The best way to keep this delicious vegetable fresh is to store them in a plastic bag or air tight container kept in the refrigerator crisper drawer.
Just remove the stem and leave the tail which holds a whole lot of vitamins according to Grandma Anna Riehm (former nurse).

Get ACCESS to the FABULOUS Chef Gretchen herself!
As you know, it is CRUCIAL TO CONNECT with like-minded people to get the MOST out of life.
Bring your friends or come join Diane Riehm and other CSA Market Box members on - September 16, 2023
SNAG UP this experience with food straight from your farmers.
We put this event together because... so MANY CSA market box members are telling us they are loving the recipes that Chef Gretchen has been so kindly to share!
PLAN TO ATTEND this special event with Chef Gretchen who has 15 years experience in teaching culinary and is owner of Clara J's Tea Room.
The Proper Tea Time for you and your friends is Saturday, September 16, 2023.
You can choose 11:00 am or 1:30 pm
Look for more information COMING SOON!
Unboxing Video...
It's here! Watch the video below and DISCOVER new ways to BE INSPIRED with your box this week.
GRAB this week's Recipe Card from THE FABULOUS Chef Gretchen to keep your kitchen full of seasonal ideas.
Update on Noah's recovery from heart surgery...
We appreciate all of you who have been sending your heartfelt prayers for our son Jeremy's family!!
Noah is currently back in the ICU. He has fluid building up around his heart which makes his heart work harder.
We are confident that he is in good hands in the ICU along with his mother and father at his side around the clock.
Phil, John, & Diane Riehm
Riehm Produce Farm