Farmer Phil talks about what's going on at the farm during the fall and winter seasons...You will notice this week on the "extras" that there are beef roasts, goat milk soap and jams offered plus veggies of course... Be sure and CHECK THEM OUT!
In this week's edition: Video of carrot harvest, Add-on shares, Beef roasts, 1-time Thanksgiving share offered, Farm-to-Table Dinner information.
"Healthy soil makes healthier veggies, which makes a healthier you." - Farmer, Phil Riehm.
Carrot harvest, duck hunting gloves, an assortment of colors and storage totes. All in a days work at Riehm's.
(Video 1:45)
***Don't forget to return your CANVAS BAG and LINERS each delivery!
**** Options, Prices, and to Register for 2019 Summer farm shares click:
Here is the SCOOP on ordering some extras that we are offering this delivery...
BEEF ROASTS - Our beef cattle roam 40 acres of rotating grass pastures and are born on our farm, raised without added hormones or antibiotics. The mixed breeds are custom-aged for maximum tenderness and flavor.
*Also we have homemade goat milk soap & lip balm and Cooper Mill's jams. These make great hostess gifts, or you'll love using them for yourself.
**You can order these extras in the "time to customize you box" email.
*** Here is a tutorial for you to browse on the how to's.

Fruit - Mixed apples this delivery
Bread - Sour Dough, Linda includes a recipe for you right in the bag
Hamburger share - 3# bulk, born and raised at Riehm's
Coffee - Original origin, from award winning Bailiwick's
It's a one time deal!! Popular last year so we have repeated it this year. You do not have to be a current member to get this one time offer. Open to everyone!
While you are with your loved ones this Thanksgiving you will want FARM FRESH flavors on the table. We have put together a Thanksgiving Farm Share to be delivered in your area the week BEFORE Thanksgiving!
We "NOW" have the following available: Thanksgiving Farm Share
1. A quart of Pure Maple Syrup for your sweet potatoes. Any left over syrup use for future pancakes or waffles.
2. A half peck of Apples for your pie, or dessert.
3. A half pint of Pumpkin Butter to impress an overnight guest with their morning toast, or use as a hostess gift for your loved one.
4. A gallon of the best tasting Apple Cider.
5. Let's not forget One full dozen of Eggs. Use for your recipes and a few for breakfast the next day.
6. No meal is complete without the veggies. The possibilities are: Lettuce, Spinach, Sweet potato, Regular Potatoes, Carrots, Fall Squash.
- Holiday Favorite Pack (quart maple syrup, half peck apples, half pint pumpkin butter, gallon cider, dozen eggs) = $39.00
- Veggie pack (Lettuce, Spinach, Sweet potato, Regular Potatoes, Carrots, Fall squash) = $25.00
Please SIGN UP with our Harvie web page by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 for pick-up the week of November 11th. Pickup sites are the same as our Fall/Winter deliveries.
[Farm-to-Table Wine Dinner at Plat8, November 6th]
Join us for a Farm-to-Table dinner featuring produce from Riehm's. Plate8 says, "RPFarm supplies much of the produce throughout the year and we are pleased to highlight them in this event."
Five dinner courses will be expertly paired with wine from Berman Wine Company, and their sales rep, Sara will be on hand to chat about the wine and let you know what's available to take home too! $70 per person + tax/tip.
To RSVP stop by or give them a call at (419) 214-0370.