"Healthy soil makes healthier veggies, which makes a healthier you." - Farmer, Phil Riehm.
See what grandma said...she reacted differently than expected. Also, find out how Farmer Phil connects. It's all about the secrets of why he farms today and keeps going on cold rainy days. (video 4:18)
Your local farmer is growing for you right now! That's right. We are now in the greenhouse filling seed trays with thousands of onions, kale, leafy greens, tomatoes and numerous spring vegetables that you can look forward to eating.

Way to go, Jamie Charvet and Ami Orr!!! They made it into the newspaper. They both did AWESOME explaining why they love being in the "weekly veggie box community".

** This is the last Fall/Winter delivery until summer season. Time to go around your house and collect bags and liners to return to your farmer!
*** "Please" return your CANVAS BAG and LINERS to promote sustainability!
This is the end of the Fall/Winter CSA season and we have a gift for you... It was inspired by our CSA members.
Make sure you open this eBook TODAY! Discover how to keep a few more extras on hand. Remarkably you can grab from your shelves a little while longer.

Winter Food Storage - A Good Life eBook
Think about it...it will about 100 days, before we start bringing your Summer Weekly Veggie bags.
Did you know...you have the option to include more farm shares to your summer order? Even after you have signed up.
If you want a dozen eggs "weekly or bi-weekly" you can add them to your ORDER NOW!! Or add fruit, or any of the other add-ons, even donations for impoverished. Make sure you click the frequency button for eggs... START on your profile page TODAY! This is what it look like --->
February 26 - March 1
Try the coffee-of the-month. We have put the half pound bag in the "extras" for you to try before you commit to the Summer season.
Freshness and quality go hand and hand--welcome the finest specialty coffees to your morning routine. Travel the world, cup by cup, in your bathrobe and enjoy premium single origin coffees. Each variety is hand-roasted in small batches with focus on the defining characteristics of its specific growing region. Delivered the 3rd week of June, July, August, September & October. FIVE (5) times total, in conjunction with our vegetable share. Made for you at Bailiwicks Coffee Company, located in historic, downtown Tiffin, Ohio. Owned and operated by Jessica Williams she was honored with the 2013 SIEDC Entrepreneurial Spirit AWARD, the 2014 Heidelberg University PALS Female Entrepreneur of a Start-Up, and 2015 Toledo 20 Under 40 Leadership AWARD.

Fruit - Mixed apples this delivery
Bread - This delivery Cranberry Walnut. This crusty bread is artistically made in small batches by Bella Cruise. Be sure and check out their "class schedule" for some Taste of the World Cooking Dinners. Bring your apron or use one of their's.
Hamburger share - 3# bulk, born and raised at Riehm's
Coffee - Sumatra Mandheling is grown in rich volcanic soil in Indonesia. It is typically wet-hulled processed, sun-dried, and fermented to create a low acidity coffee with an earthy and complex thick bodied cupping experience. Enjoy freshly brewed or as bold cold brewed coffee.
Featuring produce from RPFarm. Five dinner courses are being announced! Come back to our web page FunAcres.net/events to get the updates.

Their church seats 100 people comfortably for dinner at 2201 Secor Rd, Toledo in Ottawa Hills. $45 To RSVP stop by or give Plat8 a call at (419) 214-0370.
Riehm Produce Farm
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riehmproducefarm
Instagram: www.instagram.com/riehmfarms
Twitter: https://twitter.com/riehmfarms
Website: http://FunAcres.net
Email: riehmfarms@gmail.com
“We help busy people get weekly, farm fresh meals on the table so they feel healthy and full of ideas as to what’s for dinner.”