Its hot out there! But we are ever so thankful to have sufficient irrigation water, working coolers, the root cellar for packing boxes, and Yellowhawk Creek for swimming. Many of the crew are proving to be good nappers, so are adapting well enough to the extra early start times. The enthusiasm and skill they are bringing to work each day is appreciated. Today we rocked the garlic harvest. Glad to have that crop in and curing.
For next Tuesday: WE PLAN TO HAVE BOXES DELIVERED BY NOON. This should get our workers and you the picker-upers out of the heat before its over 100 degrees. We will also be covering the boxes with wet towels to help cool and shade them to keep them fresher until you can fetch them.
Reminder: There is no produce or flower delivery for Tuesday July 6th. We have planned this break in boxes as a better way to get our crew a mid-season break. Idaho rivers, the Oregon coast, the Puget Sound..... we're all heading towards water. When we return, you should be seeing the 1st of the summer foods with new potatoes, garlic, carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and summer squash. Hurrah!
Please take care.
Emily and the farm crew