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Farm Happenings at Welcome Table Farm
Farm Happenings for June 29, 2021
Its hot out there! But we are ever so thankful to have sufficient irrigation water, working coolers, the root cellar for packing boxes, and Yellowhawk Creek for swimming. Many of the crew are proving to be good nappers, so are adapting well enough to the extra early start times. The enthusiasm and1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 22, 2021
Happy solstice eating!Our head lettuce is absolutely beautiful this week. Enjoy the buttercrunch especially. Good for salads, wraps, and veggie rolls.
Fruit option is cherries from Cherry Hill Farm. This week we can also get 20lb boxes for $30 as an add on.
Tea this week: Her1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 15, 2021
This will be the last week of favas so enjoy them while you can- tossed in pasta, blended into humus, a sauteed in oil, garlic and salt and eaten straight from the pan...
The head lettuce is especially lovely this week.
We got the first taste of cherries for Cherry Hill farm last w1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 8, 2021
Whew! I'm always glad when the first big box day of the season is over. There are always many issues of membership to deal with- different pick up locations, forgotten boxes, missed flower shares, extra eggs.... Thank you all for your patience as we get back in the swing of things. I hope everyone1 read more »