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Farm Happenings at Welcome Table Farm
Farm Happenings for August 6, 2019
Such farm exuberance! The participants of Nature Kids day camp have it. So do the cucumbers, squash, melons, and flowers of the farm. The beets are bursting, the spuds doubling, the lettuce leafing. We hope you are enjoying the bounty that is early July on the Farm.
Happy eating,
Emily1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 30, 2019
Photo shown is of Lil and Sam at the wash rack. Everybody is a little goofy by Friday....
Here are my meal recommendation for this week: Breakfast: Pan fried eggplant, eggs, parsley. Lunch: BLTs with buttered lettuce and heirloom tomatoes. Dinner: Cold salad buffet with potato salad and1 read more »
First Saturday CSA share EVER for Welcome Table
For the first time ever (and this is our 13th! season) we are offering CSA share boxes packed out for Saturday. This is for you, our loyal farmer's market customers, who sometimes can't get out of bed in time to get the elusive bunch of basil, or a handful of heirloom tomatoes here in July. It's al1 read more »
Nature Kids make your "Florabundence" bouquets.
This week your bouquets will be crafted with the curiosity and creativity of the children participating in the Nature Kids day camp, a partnership of Welcome Table and Blue Mountain Land Trust. read more »
Like what's in your box? Share it with a friend!
The bounty of summer has arrived. We're thrilled to be able to offer you such variety in greens, roots, cucurbits, and now solanaceae. Our favorites from this plant family (tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant) are arriving on the scene. Soon we'll all be eating our fill of BLT's, gazpacho, and1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 16, 2019
Hi Everyone!
I’d like to start off by saying thank you for being CSA members. It means a lot that you are willing to take this leap with us, sign up for “food” and gracefully embrace the seasonal mishmash that shows up in your box. This time of year especially, when it seems like1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 9, 2019
Well folks, we’ve made it into July! This week we celebrate our first pick on green beans, which smell like proper summer food. We celebrate our garlic harvest, completed in full in only one day with many willing and tired backs, and our huge fall seeding in new ground--carrots and beets for1 read more »