We're fine. Doing fine. Getting through a hot summer. People are asking. The other part of the story is that things are not "fine." The hottest, driest, potentially smokiest season on record is a big story. There are little implications to this season- kale says "i'm done", spinach won't germinate, we lost fall greenhouse starts in the heat wave, gophers continue to snack on our drip tape for a little extra moisture, creek levels are low for swimming, its difficult to get to all the field tasks when I don't feel comfortable asking employees to work in the afternoons in consistently 100+ degrees, the farm is weedy. But there are also bigger questions we are wrestling with as a farm around future resiliency and seasonal adjustments.
We're also good. The potatoes especially. At breakfast today Andy exclaimed "money can't buy potatoes that good!" (But it can, for you at the farmstand and market). Many of the crew got a respite from heat last week on the Puget Sound or in the mountains of Idaho. We're doing a big harvest of carrots and beets today.
Greatness is also present. This week is the first week of "Farm Kids" a summer day camp program we offer in parntership with Blue Mountain Land Trust. Truly special things are happening as this kids make bouquets, snack on crab apples, explore Yellowhawk Creek. They made bouquets for the flower CSA last week.
Your farmer, Emily

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