We have so much to be Thankful for- good health, the arrival of rain, the passage of salmon, another season complete. It is good work to feed you all, train aspiring farmers, and teach our own kids new skills.
This box is the last of the 2021 subscription season. Do make sure the "farmstand" option is selected in your Harvie account. As we have more produce for sale, we will offer it through these one-time boxes this winter and next spring.
For next year we are planning on shifting our offerings slightly:
For 8 weeks, mid April-mid June we will offer a spring salad and flower share.
We will take mid- June through mid-August off of the main CSA season. We hope this makes summer less frantic, and reduces the heat burden on our crew during the hotest days of the year. During this time we still plan to keep up with farmstand and market, establish robust fall crops, run our day camp programs, and take some summer family time. Now that we have all 3 kids in school, time with them is precious.
Boxes and bouquets will resume in mid- August (with peaches and heirloom tomatoes) and will run into mid- December.
This totals the same 24 weeks of offerings in a calendar year. I'll give you a heads up before registration opens in the new year. We do hope you'll join us for another turn around the sun.
If you do have feedback on this season or suggestions for next, please email me at emily@welcometablefarm.com
In thanks,
Emily and family