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Farm Happenings at Bayfield Foods
Oct 29 Farm Happenings
This was the official week of the pack shed here at Great Oak Farm. I am still not completely sure how we got everything "pack shed" completed, but with the real cold weather coming next week we had to make sure all of the storage crops were out of temporary storage and ready to get tucked in for w1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 27, 2021
FINALLY we're getting some cold. I know some of you might have really enjoyed this warm fall, and honestly we have too, but getting back to some kind of normalcy feels mighty nice. Our root cellar is getting cool enough now to store winter crops without worry, so we got right to work la1 read more »
We've been going full throttle this week. SOME TIME the cold WILL be here (...right??...) and we're hustling to get the winter carrots dug and the new microgreen room finished here at the farm.
Thursday, we roped in a few more folks to help get carrots dug and washed. Many hands1 read more »
10.8.21 Farm Happenings
This weather is crazy. I am not complaining too loudly, because we are REALLY enjoying warm fingers and sunshine, but our "normal" daytime highs are currently our nighttime lows! It feels like fall will keep going and going, but the summer crops are winding down with the shorter days no1 read more »