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Farm Happenings at Bayfield Foods
6.24.22 Farm Happenings
Wow, week 5 was a HOT one. Harvesting in the hoophouses for your CSA boxes on Monday with outside temps pushing 100 degrees was quite the start of the week. Inside the hoophouses, the temps were well into the 100teens+, but somehow we managed not to evaporate. The good news is tha1 read more »
6.17.22 Farm Happenings
Welcome to week 4 of the summer CSA season! Four weeks already - wow, where does the time go?! The rains this week were well appreciated. All told we got 0.8 inches, which is less than we need each week, but was enough to really get our transplants and direct seeded crops a nice dr1 read more »
6.10.22 Farm Happenings
This last week of hot weather has really gotten the crops growing! We cranked out lots of field work, too - plowing; making beds; seeding our third round of carrots, second round of beans and sweet corn, and more broccoli every week for a steady supply all summer and fall. Grab your boo1 read more »
6.2.22 Farm Happenings
Happy June, friends! Even though the long range forecast is looking to be colder than normal for the first few weeks of June, it is starting to feel like summer has finally arrived. Remember last year, when we had temps in the 90's in early June? This morning I was out on the trac1 read more »