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Farm Happenings at Bayfield Foods
8.27.21 Farm Happenings
27,154. That's how many gallons of water each acre of produce needs for optimal growth each week. Combined together, our fields of produce ideally need a little over 400 THOUSAND gallons of water each week. Sounds like an insane amount of water, doesn't it? Luckily, an inch1 read more »
8.20.21 Farm Happenings
This week sure has been a scorcher. This heat is serious corn growin' weather, so it's no surprise that the first planting of sweet corn is finally ready to be picked! We gave it a taste test and dang is it sweet. The squash is ripening in the heat nicely as well - we are seeing s1 read more »
8.13.21 Farm Happenings
Happy Friday the 13th weekend - and welcome to week 12 of the summer CSA season!
Last week on Friday after I had written the newsletter, I worked until dark to finish prepping the fields we were planning to seed into fall cover crops. I would have rather called it a day at 5 on Fr1 read more »
8.6.21 Farm Happenings
The end of last week, we mowed down our early plantings of broccoli which had been harvested already. And right on schedule, the next plantings are ready to pick and looking incredible. Be sure to add some to your veggie box this week, and if you have a favorite broccoli recipe, send it1 read more »