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Farm Happenings at Bayfield Foods
10.1.21 Farm Happening
It's the first weekend of October, and you know what that means around here? Applefest! If you aren't planning to come over and take it all in firsthand, or you just don't want the A-fest vibes to stop, don't worry - we've got you covered. You can add an Applefest Box to your CSA1 read more »
9.24.21 Farm Happenings
Happy Fall Equinox week! From here on out, we're losing daylight, and we've still got so much to do here. Shorter days and cooler nights mean closing up the tomato hoophouses every evening, then opening them up again first thing in the morning so they can "vent" out all that warm humid air to1 read more »
9.17.21 Farm Happenings
September rains have finally arrived, and we're thankful. Last weekend we got 1.1 inches of rain overnight, our largest single precipitation event (other than the 2.5 inches in 20 minutes deluge we got in July) since mid May! The rain last night was also well received, adding ano1 read more »
9.10.21 Farm Happenings
Welcome to fall! There's no doubt now that summer is quickly waning. Cool nights give way to misty, foggy mornings thick with dew. We start our mornings in rubber boots and layers, but by lunchtime things have dried off and we are shedding layers, abandoning the boots for some foo1 read more »
It's been another jam packed week here at Great Oak Farm. Harvest, harvest, harvest is just about all we have time to do these days! Despite the drought, the crops are still looking good. Last weekend, we were lucky to get 1.2"of rain, but the ground is so dry that on Sunday we co1 read more »